Thursday, April 3, 2014


how are you? have you been alright? why are you on the internet again? arent you suppose to have actual work to do; projects, school, work? how did you come here? are we friends in real life? i hope not.

sometimes, i feel like i loose touch with reality.

i have created a whole identity of someone i want to be, and manage to convince my head i am who i am (but not really, it's just someone else) and it just sounds way too depressing.

i must admit, i am honest. i enjoy being honest, and the integrity and rawness of it makes me feel comfortable with who i am. however, it gets blurred with who i want to be... i dont think you'll get it. do you? it's cool, no one does. i think i have some sort of phobia of falling in love. i am terrified. i hate it, but i love to experience it and i think i'll keep breaking hearts.

no, no im not a player. i get played (by own mind) too. it's terrible.

can i draw a comic based on this? nah, i'm lazy, i rather just get on asos/uo/ebay (its shit yeah) and buy stuff to numb some of my emotions. i'm afraid of people flipping the tables after uncovering all that's left of me.

this doesnt even make sense because im announcing this to everyone, on the internet. but, but the internet is everyone so it also means its no one.

damn it.

sorry.... ys, p, l, m, n, r, f.....

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